Friday Night Fever Results
The show starts out with clips from last weeks pay per view Heat Wave! The clip that is shown is Cryptid just
winning the XWLF World Championship. We watch on as a man jumps out of the crowd, and nails Cryptid from behind, with a title.
The man gets down in the fallen Cryptids face, and says that he is the XCA world heavy weight champion, and that from now
on, the only title that matters in the XWLF anymore is those of the XCA.
Jim Boss:
Welcome everybody to Friday Night Fever! I’m your host for this evening, along side my tag team partner, Vinny Mac.
Vinny Mac: That’s right Jim, were coming of one of the biggest pay per views ever, in Heat Wave, and the road
to Weathered starts tonight!
“Smile Empty Soul” starts to play, as Daddy Mack walks out from the back.
Looks like our first match is about to begin, let’s get down to the ring announcer for tonight’s first match.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to XWLF’s Friday Night Fever! Our first match tonight is a triple finisher
match for the XWLF’s Xtreme Title! First the challenger, making his way down to the ring, Daddy Mack!!!
Mack rolls into the ring, and glares over at the ring announcer.
“What a Rush” starts to play, as Spazz
makes his way out from the back.
Announcer: And introducing the champion, Spazz!
Spazz makes his way from the
top of the ramp, down to the ring. Spazz rolls in, and stares down Daddy Mack, who doesn’t back down.
Look at the staring contest we have here, both of these men are willing to put the other through hell for that title!
Boss: This match is going to be very brutal indeed.
As the referee hands off the Xtreme Title, the lights go totally
black. The words XCA start to flash black on a white screen and white on a black screen. Out from the back walks a group of
men, all wearing suits. The group of men walk down to the ring, and climb in. When the lights come up all the way, one of
the men asks for a microphone.
Jim Boss: What in the hell? Who are these guys? What’s going on here!?
Ladies and gentlemen, I know you guys came here tonight expecting to see the XWLF and its hardcore brand of wrestling. *Crowd
Cheers* Well, I hate to disappoint you, but the XWLF show that all you people have spent your hard earned cash on, has been
canceled as of this very moment.
Daddy Mack and Spazz just kind of look at each other, not knowing what to expect
as the crowd starts to Boo
Vinny: What in the hell? Canceled? Who are these guys, and what the hell is going on here?
They can’t cancel Friday Night Fever!
Man: Ladies and Gents, my name is Jason ‘Powers’ Black (JPB)
from the XCA, and as of right now, the XWLF is no more. Tonight you will not see the XWLF’s Friday Night Fever, but
instead you will see the XCA’s Friday Night Fever. If you haven’t noticed by now, the stage has been redone to
my specific requests, and now if you Spazz, and you Daddy Mack would please step the hell out of my ring, I have one final
thing left to do.
Spazz and Daddy Mack, still confused, don’t move. A smaller man than Jason ‘Powers’
Black, walks over to Spazz and gets right in his face. The smaller man slaps Spazz in the face and again demands that he leave
the ring this very moment.
Jim Boss: He just slapped Spazz!!
JPB: Spazz, Daddy Mack, if you don’t get
out of my ring this very moment, consider your selves fired!
The two men are really confused now, but they do as they
are told, and get out of the ring. JPB and the man that just slapped Spazz also climb out of the ring, and start to dig underneath
the ring for something. They pull out what looks to be a cover for the XWLF ring.
Jim Boss: What’s that, a tarp
for the ring with XCA logo’s on it?
Vinny: I believe so Jimbo. You know, this is getting out of hand. Some one
needs to come out here and straiten things out. Where’s McNeal?
JPB: Man Foo Tang (The shorter man who slapped
Spazz) roll out the new ring cover!
Tang does as told, and along with help from the other men, the XWLF ring has now
been transformed into an XCA ring.
JPB: There you have it folks, the XCA has officially arrived in the XWLF. Now, allow
me to introduce to you myself, and my colleagues. I am Co-Owner of the XCA, Jason ‘Powers’ Black, and Man Foo
Tang here is the other owner. This man right here is a wrestling legend, that’s some thing you folks in the XWLF no
nothing about. He’s wrestled on every continent of this earth from North and South America, to Europe, to Antarctica,
and every where in between. He’s now second in charge of the XCA. This man to my right is Jonathan Bishop. He is the
General Manager of the XCA, and is third in charge. Not much needs to be said about him, you guys in the back will get to
know him soon enough, he’s your new immediate superior. You have a problem something, he’s the man you see. I
myself, as I had already said, I am Jason ‘Powers’ Black, and I’m the boss. You don’t talk to me,
unless I request to see you in my new office.
JPB: Now, I am out here tonight to evaluate the XWLF talent pool. I
want to see up close and personal what fat I am going to need to trim. So, Daddy Mack, Spazz get in the XCA ring, and show
me why I shouldn’t fire you right here tonight.
Jim Boss: Can he do that?
Vinny: He said he’s the
new boss, so I guess he can. I want to know where McNeal stands on this. He hasn’t told any one about this CXA, XCA,
or what ever it is.
Jim Boss: Looks like Spazz and Daddy Mack are in the ring, let’s see who will be around after
the match.
Ding Ding.
Daddy and Spazz charge each other and meet at center ring, both throwing right hands.
Spazz gets the better of the exchange and backs Daddy to the ropes and continues to pummel away.
Jim Boss: Daddy Mack
should know not to try and beat Spazz in a punching match!"
Daddy pushes Spazz's head back and slaps away with a hard
chop, the sound echoing throughout the packed arena. Spazz holds his chest but Daddy pushes his hands away and chops again
and again.
He finally stops and goes to whip Spazz into the ropes, but pulls him back and takes him down with a short-arm
clothesline. Daddy mounts Spazz and starts pounding his forehead with right hands. Daddy stands up and starts to boot away
at Spazz's midsection.
Jim: Daddy venting some of his frustration in this match!
Vinny: Wouldn't you? He’s
trying to impress the new boss.
Daddy picks up Spazz by his hair and knocks him backward with a European uppercut.
Spazz falls back into the corner. Daddy hits him with a boot to the stomach and some knee lifts. Daddy whips Spazz to the
opposite corner and follows him in, Spazz hits but manages to get his feet up and kick a running Daddy Mack squarely in the
Daddy Mack stumbles back and Spazz tackles him and starts attacking his face with fists.
Jim: Both of
these men are going back and forth here tonight!
Vinny: Yeah. Neither has shown signs of taking control.
starts to pull Daddy Mack up, but Mack drops down and hits a jawbreaker. Spazz stumbles back to the corner. Mack stands up
and kicks away at Spazz’s midsection. Mack backs up and hits a standing dropkick. Spazz's head rocks back and he falls
to the mat. Daddy keeps up the assault, grabbing Spazz's head and repeatedly slamming it into the mat. Daddy pulls Spazz up
and hits a delayed vertical suplex, holding him up, and then dropping him on his back. Daddy Mack gets back to his feet, and
climbs to the out side of the ring. He grabs a trashcan from under the ring, and rolls back into the ring.
This doesn’t look good for Spazz!
Jim: Daddy Mack is helping Spazz to his feet.
Vinny: Why is Daddy Mack
looking over at Jason ‘Powers’ Black?
Jim: Spazz is to his feet now! Spazz plants Daddy Mack with a DDT!
men lay flat on there backs for a few moments. Out of the back come two men carrying chairs. They slide in the ring, and wait
for Spazz to stand up. Spazz starts to stand up, and then gets nailed by both chairs, one on each side of the head. The two
men roll out the ring, and stand next to JPB, Man Foo Tang, and Jonathan Bishop.
Daddy Mack starts to get up, and looks
at Spazz, bleeding from both sides of his head. Daddy Mack picks up Spazz’s lifeless body, and hits the first Mac Attack!
Vinny: There’s one! Two more, and it’s over!
Jim: This so isn’t fair. Spazz is being screwed
by Jason ‘Powers’ Black and his two goons with chairs!
Jason ‘Powers’ Black walks over to the
ring announcer and tells him to ring the bell. The ring announcer looks at him, and then rings the bell. JPB leans close to
the announcer, and whispers some thing in his ear.
Vinny: What’s going on here?
Announcer: Um.. Ladies
and Gentlemen, due to the fact that Spazz can no longer participate in this match, Jason ‘Powers’ Black has awarded
declared the winner, and NEW XWLF Xtreme champion, Daddy Mack!
Jim: There you go! Jason ‘Powers’ Black
screwed Spazz, big time! Who’s that?
From under the ring slides a man wearing a title around his waist, and a
mask over his face. The man grabs Daddy Mack, spins him around, and hit’s him with some foreign object, that’s
wrapped around his fists. Daddy Mack drops to one knee. The man in the Mask then picks up the trashcan that Spazz had brought
into the ring, and smashes it over his head. The man takes off his title and raises it high in the air.
Jim: Who in
the hell is the man in the mask?
JPB: Ladies and Gentleman, that’s the XCA’s Triple X Champion the Masked
Man, and that laying in the ring in a puddle of his own blood is the XWLF Xtreme champion Daddy Mack. The men that you see
here to my right, (pointing to the men who hit Spazz with chairs), is The Freak, and Tony Sanders. Next week at Friday Night
Fever, The team of the Outsiders will face them for the XWLF Championships!! In a brutal Tornado Tag-Texas Strap match!
::XCA Administration heads to the back and clean-up heads towards the
ring, and rolls spaZZ out of the ring::
Jim Boss: What....What now, have we just, (in awe) What is this? What
happened to Bankie McNeal, Kayen James, Holden Edwards? Where was their back up just then?
Vinny Mack(practically hiding under the announce booth): What, theyre
gone? Oh...I was just checking the screws, and, of this desk. So ya know it dont---break? I see that Daddy Mack
won that Xtreme Title! Finally gold has cometh back to the true men of this federation...the Wild Blood Godz!!
Jim Boss: Uhh, Vinny, there seems to be a problem, with Daddy Mack
Cryptid and Pitbull are attacking Daddy Mack with some bats and
metal poles. A few kicks to the gut and a punch to the kidney for luck. Daddy Mack falls down to his back and reaches for
his Xtreme Title. Pitbull steps on his hand. Cryptid backflips and a Frog Splash like manuvere. Phoenix comes running down
the hall way towards them with a lamp from his room. Both of them scatter and Phoenix goes over to Daddy Mack and helps him
Phoenix: Damn, it seems the WBG exist no more. Oh well,--the Xtreme
Team wont last long, not without any truthful gold around their waist. What do you say man, Daddy Mack-The first two time
Xtreme Champion? What do you say you and me team up and reform one of the best tag teams the XWLF has yet to see?
::Phoenix extends his hand...Daddy Mack looks at him and walks away.
Phoenix stands there with a puzzled look on his face....::
Ring Announcer: Due to disciplinary reasons, this next match between
Crazy Kid and Adam Bomb has been postponed until further notice. Now a message from (looks down to cards, looks up to the
TitanTron, swallows hard, and begins to read)
"Here is a message from our best friend, and your savior, not
to mention the XCA World Heavyweight Champion, the most Popular Man Alive Today-He is The Golden Prodigy...Thadious DOMINUS!---"
Thadious Dominus:"I look around me and all I can feel is disgust. I took a look at the wrestlers from Heatwave and I don't
even know how this place even stays in business. I can't believe no one has bought out this hole in the earth place and sold
the ring for scrap metal yet! Everyone here thinks that what makes them great is being able to take a chair shot to the head
and get up afterwards. That's not hardcore, that is just stupidity. You all take your pints of blood and show them off like
trophies, while you all fail to realize that if you were any good at what you do, you would not HAVE those pints of blood!"
take a look at your new champion, a Mr. Cryptic. Oh yes I got a real close personal look at Cryptic, regretfully. I mean this
'wresler'", Thadious removes the mic from his mouth long enough to imitate the quotation marks with his fingers, "can not
even complete a sentance. Obviously the managment here at the XWL requires all of their wrestlers to have an IQ below 60.
Cryptic didn't go to the hospital after his match. well big deal, he could not have found his way to the bathroom after that
match and I am not for sure if he could before it! If that is the best XWL has to offer than perhaps this is a complete waste
of time."
"I know most of you are wondering, how can the Champion of the Xtreme Combat association be against hardcore?
And I know since that most of you have not made it to the sixth grade I will explain this to you. Extreme, by definition,
means: 'Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree.' Meaning, to you, that extreme is simple the effort you put
into the match. If you want extreme, I am the MR. EXTREME."
"Yes, I am disgusted, disgusted that people would even
consider you wrestlers. No one in this federation would even last three minutes with me in a normal singles match, and that is all that has to be said."
Ring announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match
is for one fall. Introducing first Na$e and Maxx Preston!
Na$e and Maxx walk to the ring as they do the lights flicker
slightly, and people cheer.
Announcer: Now introducing the Tag Team Champions, AJN and Mr. Submission!
AJN and
Submission look in the ring, and then look back at each other and drop their titles on the ground. They slide into the ring
and attack Na$e and Maxx. The referee calls for the bell.
Vinny Mack: This match started before it should have, and
Na$e is fighting off AJN But Submission is over powering Maxx.
Na$e and AJN go back and forth with punches. But AJN
catches Na$e off guard and kicks him in the gut. AJN and Submission look at each other and go to Irish whip Na$e and Maxx,
but they reverse it and AJN and Submission collide with each other. The lights flicker of an on again.
Jim Boss: What
is going on with the lights? Why do they turn off and on tonight?
As the match continues, XCA appears on the Titantron.
As that happens two men come walking out from the back. Na$e and Maxx look at the two men who are walking down the isle holding
leather straps.
Vinny Mack: Who the hell is that? Not this crap again!
The two men look at Na$e and Maxx, but
point at AJN and Submission who are now on their feet. Na$e and Maxx, go to move, but Submission double clothesline the two,
and AJN and Submission look towards the two men who are outside the ring. AJN and Submission get down and look at the two,
but Na$e and Maxx get to their feet, and attack AJN and Submission from behind, causing them to fall outside the ring.
Mack: Oh my god they are getting fed to the dogs!
The two men start attacking Submission and AJN; they use the leather
straps and attack them. AJN Submission try to fight back, but the two men work together to keep them down, and then they roll
AJN into the ring and walk off. Na$e picks up AJN, but AJN use the last of his energy and tosses him into Maxx, and they hit
each other and Maxx. Maxx is sent over the top and his leg lands on Submissions chest. Na$e does the Na$e smash on AJN. Submission
is getting to his feet, as Na$e pins AJN
Vinny Mack: Mr. Submission was close, but it seems
he was unable to stop the count!
Announcer: Here are your winners, Na$e and Maxx Preston!